Tag: JIOBook

  • Laptop Import Banned: Empowering JIOBook Launch

    On 1st August, Reliance Launched its affordable Laptop JIOBook, and on August 3, 2023, Indian Government Issued a Nationwide Laptop Import Ban also Ban on Personal Computers and Tablets. The Directorate General Of Foreign Trade “Import of Laptops, Tablets, All in one Persnal Computers, and Ultra small form factor Computers and Servers Falling under the…

  • Exciting News: Reliance Retail Unveils Powerful 16K Laptop

    Reliance Retail plays another masterstroke and launches an affordable, multitasking laptop in India. Check Out: Reliance JIO Demerger JIOBook Laptop JIOBook launched on July 31, 2023, in India. JioBook Marks is the second laptop manufactured by the company. JioBook Laptop has a user-friendly and familiar interface; it offers multiple customization options and is the first…